
FCiências.ID – Associação para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Ciências (FC.ID) is a non-profit private association, endowed with legal personality. It was created in 2017 as a common initiative of Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (FCUL) – a higher education institution - and 6 private companies, replacing its counterpart institution – Fundação da FCUL (FFCUL). FFCUL’s projects and know-how were inherited in order to support, potentiate and develop R&D and innovation activities of its seven associates, while simultaneously enhancing FCUL strategic partnerships with market and services companies, therefore creating a more challenging environment for research and innovation. FC.ID is the legal representative of 20 research centres from different scientific fields. FC.ID officially adheres to the “European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers”.

The research unit involve in the EMERALD action is Instituto de Biofisica e Engenharia Biomedica (IBEB). IBEB has devoted the last 24 years to the advanced training of under/postgraduate students in Biomedical and Biophysics Engineering. IBEB has so far been the host for 210 Master’s degree dissertations and 33 Ph.D. theses.

IBEB has its own building at the FCUL campus. The building has around 600 square meters, divided into computational facilities, personal offices, a conference room, a meeting room and a library. The computational facilities include 3 network printers, approximately 25 new computers connected by a GByte network to the FCUL main computational system and a GRID computing system. IBEB has several software licenses, including MATLAB. Campus licenses for all main Microsoft applications, statistical packages and Linux are also available. Visiting ESRs will be granted access to all the University services and amenities. FC.ID will host the researchers and has all the capacities to carry out the proposed work.