University of Lisbon

The Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (FCUL) is an education and research institution, which aims to promote the quality of higher education and to develop competitive research units, both at national and international level. FCUL offers 16 undergraduate programmes, conferring one first cycle degree, fifteen second cycle degrees, and two integrated MSc programmes. The Physics Dept. of FCUL, has devoted the last 24 years to the advanced training of under/postgraduate students in Biomedical and Biophysics Engineering. It has so far been the host for 210 Master’s degree dissertations and 33 Ph.D. theses.

There are 460m2 of classroom laboratories, 880m2 of research laboratories, 36 rooms supporting laboratories, a 267m2 dedicated library, 110 study rooms, 547 computer rooms, and 5764 shared amphitheaters and classrooms. There are fully equipped laboratories for teaching Physics, Physics Engineering and Biomedical Engineering degrees.