Panagiotis Kosmas
Dr P. Kosmas is a world-leading expert in biomedical and subsurface sensing applications using radio waves, with an h-index of 17 and over 1500 citations (Google Scholar). He has authored/co-authored over 80 publications in journals and peer-reviewed conference proceedings, 1 book chapter, and has delivered numerous invited lectures in scientific meetings and institutes. He joined KCL as a Lecturer in 2008, and is currently a Senior Lecturer at KCL’s Department of Informatics, where he leads research on radio-wave sensing applications. Dr. Kosmas has been the academic PI for six industry-led projects funded by Innovate UK in collaboration with MediWise, and the PI of a Global Challenge Research Fund project funded by EPSRC on demining. Dr. Kosmas has been an elected workgroup leader of EU COST Action MiMed (TD1301) on microwave imaging.