WP2 - Hardware developments for EM medical devices
WP2 addresses a number of hardware developments essential to deliver enhanced performance EM medical devices, including the hardware acceleration of imaging algorithms, the development of customized radiofrequency front-end systems, as well as the exploitation of metamaterial technology for antennas and matching layers.
Task 3 - Hardware acceleration for imaging algorithms
POLITO , supervisor Prof. M. Casu, ESR M.A. Mansoori.
Task 4 - Development of customized RF front-end systems
KEYSIGHT , supervisor Dr. F, Kienberger, ESR. A. Moradpour.
JKU , supervisor Prof. P. Hinterdorfer.
Task 5 - Metamaterial technology for improved EM medical devices
KCL , supervisor Dr. P. Kosmas, ESR E. Razzicchia.