WP4 - EM prototypes for medical diagnosis
WP4 is dedicated to the design, preclinical prototypization and controlled testing of two EM imaging diagnostic devices. The first is devoted to the diagnostic imaging of cerebrovascular diseases (stroke, haemorrhage, hematoma), the second device is meant for the diagnosis of axillary lymph nodes.
Task 9 - EM device for cerebrovascular diseases imaging
POLITO , supervisor Prof. F. Vipiana, ESR D. Rodriguez-Duarte.
Task 10 - EM device for axillary lymph node diagnosis
FCiências.ID , supervisor Dr. R. Conceição, ESR M. Savazzi.
Task 11 - EM device for chemotherapy monitoring
MITOS , supervisor Prof. I. Akduman, ESR A. Janjic.